Seligman, Martin E. P.
What you can change and what you can't : the complete guide to successful self-improvement / Martin E.P. Seligman. -
1st ed.. -
New York : Knopf, 1994.
x, 317 p. ; 24 cm.
Content notes : What changes? : what doesn't change? -- Booters and bootstrappers : the age of self-improvement and psychotherapy -- Drugs, germs, and genes : the age of biological psychiatry -- Everyday anxiety -- Catastrophic thinking : panic -- Phobias -- Obsessions -- Depression -- The angry person -- Post-traumatic stress -- Sex -- Dieting : a waist is a terrible thing to mind -- Alcohol -- Shedding the skins of childhood -- Depth and change : the theory.
0679410244 : $23.00 (Canada $30.00) 9780679410249
* Change (Psychology) Self-actualization (Psychology) Behavior modification. Behavior Therapy. Self Assessment (Psychology) Zelfverwerkelijking. Gedragsverandering.