Malson, Lucien.
Wolf children and the problem of human nature [by] Lucien Malson. The wild boy of Aveyron [by] Jean Itard. [Translated by Edmund Fawcett, Peter Ayrton, and Joan White]. -
New York, Monthly Review Press [1972]
179 p. 21 cm.
Translation of Les enfants sauvages. In the original, as here, Malson included complete texts of J. Itard's 2 classic studies: De l'éducation d'un homme sauvage (1801) and Rapport fait à S.E. le Ministre de l'Intérieur sur les nombreux développements et l'état actuel du sauvage de l'Aveyron (1807). For this translation and 2d study was Englished by J. White; the 1st study is given as a reprint, slightly altered, of the 1802 translation entitled: An historical account of the discovery and education of a savage man, or of the first developments, physical and moral, of the young savage caught in the woods near Aveyron, in the year 1798.
* Wild Boy of Aveyron. Enfant sauvage de l'Aveyron.
* Feral children. Enfants sauvages.
* Itard, Jean Marc Gaspard, Itard, Jean Marc Gaspard,
* Title