Young America's music / edited by Albert E. Wier. -
New York : Scribner, c1939.
8 v. of music : ill. ; 31 cm.
Content notes : VOCAL: v. 1. Cradle songs. Nursery rhymes. Musical games -- v. 2. Songs for little girls and boys. Songs of nature and the seasons. Songs of the flowers. Songs of insects, birds and animals -- v. 3. Song of work and of play. Songs of patriotism and home. Southern songs and folk songs. Sacred songs and hymns -- v. 4. Christmas songs and carols. Songs from grand and light operas. Solo song and vocal duets -- PIANO: v. 5. Piano pieces for little fingers, first and second grades -- v. 6. Piano pieces in the third grade. Piano pieces for solo use -- v. 7. Piano pieces from the grand operas. Piano pieces from the light operas --v. 8. Four-hand pieces for beginners. Four-hand pieces for recreation. Violin pieces with piano accompaniment. Complete index to all volumes.
* Children's songs. Piano music - Juvenile. Violin and piano music - Juvenile.
* Wier, Albert E.
* Title