Handbook of finite state based models and applications /
xii, 397 p. : ill. ; 26 cm.
- (Discrete mathematics and its applications )
"A Chapman & Hall book."
Content notes : 1. Finite automata / Rana Barua and Kishan Chand Gupta -- 2. Large-scale regular expression matching on FPGA / Yi-Hua E. Yang and Viktor K. Prasanna -- 3. Finite state transducers / Javier Baliosian and Dina Wonsever -- 4. Tree automata / Olivier Gauwin -- 5. Timed automata / Jun Sun, Yang Liu, and Jin Song Dong -- 6. Quantum finite automata / Daowen Qiu ... [et al.] -- 7. Finite automata minimization / Marco Almeida, Nelma Moreira, and Rog�erio Reis -- 8. Incremental construction of finite-state automata / Jan Daciuk -- 9. Esterel and the semantics of causality / Mohammad Reza Mousavi -- 10. Regular path queries on graph-structured data / Alex Thomo and S. Venkatesh -- 11. Applying timed automata to model checking of security protocols / Miros�aw Kurkowski and Wojciech Penczek -- 12. Optimal adaptive pattern-matching using finite state automata / Nadia Nedjah and Luiza de Macedo Mourelle -- 13. Finite state automata in compilers / Yang Zhao -- 14. Finite state models for XML processing / Murali Mani -- 15. Petri nets / Jiacun Wang -- 16. Statecharts / Hanlin Lu and Sheng Yu -- 17. Model checking / Zhenhua Duan and Cong Tian -- 18. System modeling with UML state machines / Omar El Ariss and Dianxiang Xu.
Computer progamming. Sequential machine theory.