A functional analysis framework for modeling, estimation and control in science and engineering /
xi, 268 p. : ill. ; [ca. 23-29] cm.
"A Chapman & Hall book."
Content notes : 1. Introduction to functional analysis in applications -- 2. Semigroups and infinitesimal generators -- 3. Generators -- 4. Adjoint operators and dual spaces -- 5. Gelfand triple, sesquilinear forms, and Lax-Milgram -- 6. Analytic semigroups -- 7. Abstract cauchy problems -- 8. General second-order systems -- 9. Weak formulations for second-order systems -- 10. Inverse or parameter estimation problems -- 11. 'Weak' or 'variational form' -- 12. Finite element approximations and the Trotter-Kato theorems -- 13. Delay systems : linear and nonlinear -- 14. Weak convergence and the Prohorov metric in inverse problems -- 15. The Prohorov metric in optimization and optimal design problems -- 16. Control theory for distributed parameter systems -- 17. Families of approximate control problems.
Science - Mathematical models. Engineering - Mathematical models.