Statistical Methods in Counterterrorism Game Theory, Modeling, Syndromic Surveillance, and Biometric Authentication / edited by Alyson G. Wilson, Gregory D. Wilson, David H. Olwell. -
XII, 292 p. 14 illus. online resource.
Content notes : Game Theory -- Game Theory in an Age of Terrorism: How Can Statisticians Contribute? -- Combining Game Theory and Risk Analysis in Counterterrorism: A Smallpox Example -- Game-Theoretic and Reliability Methods in Counterterrorism and Security -- Biometric Authentication -- Biometric Authentication -- Towards Statistically Rigorous Biometric Authentication Using Facial Images -- Recognition Problem of Biometrics: Nonparametric Dependence Measures and Aggregated Algorithms -- Syndromic Surveillance -- Data Analysis Research Issues and Emerging Public Health Biosurveillance Directions -- Current and Potential Statistical Methods for Monitoring Multiple Data Streams for Biosurveillance -- Evaluating Statistical Methods for Syndromic Surveillance -- A Spatiotemporal Analysis of Syndromic Data for Biosurveillance -- Modeling -- Modeling and Simulation for Defense and National Security -- Modeling and Parameterization for a Smallpox Simulation Study -- Approaches to Modeling the Concentration Field for Adaptive Sampling of Contaminants during Site Decontamination -- Secure Statistical Analysis of Distributed Databases -- Statistical Evaluation of the Impact of Background Suppression on the Sensitivity of Passive Radiation Detectors.
* Mathematical statistics. Mathematics. Economic theory. Optical pattern recognition. Statistical Theory and Methods. Game Theory, Economics, Social and Behav. Sciences. Economic Theory/Quantitative Economics/Mathematical Methods. Signal, Image and Speech Processing. Pattern Recognition. Operations Research, Management Science.
* Wilson, Alyson G., edt, http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/relators/edt Wilson, Gregory D., edt, http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/relators/edtOlwell, David H., edt, http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/relators/edt
* Title