Elnashaie, Said S. E. H.
Numerical Techniques for Chemical and Biological Engineers Using MATLAB® A Simple Bifurcation Approach / by Said S. E. H. Elnashaie, Frank Uhlig. -
XVI, 590 p. 235 illus. online resource.
Content notes : Numerical Computations and MATLAB -- Modeling, Simulation, and Design of Chemical and Biological Systems -- Some Models with Scalar Equations -- Initial Value Problems -- Boundary Value Problems -- Heterogeneous and Multistage Systems -- Industrial Problems.
* Computer science - Mathematics. Computer science. Biochemical engineering. Chemical engineering. Computational Mathematics and Numerical Analysis. Computational Science and Engineering. Biochemical Engineering. Industrial Chemistry/Chemical Engineering.
* Uhlig, Frank., aut, http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/relators/aut
* Title