Symbolic-Numeric Computation edited by Dongming Wang, Lihong Zhi. -
VIII, 395 p. online resource.
- (Trends in Mathematics, )
Content notes : On a Generalized Companion Matrix Pencil for Matrix Polynomials Expressed in the Lagrange Basis -- Ill-conditioned Properties and Hybrid Computations -- Rational Interpolation and Its Ill-conditioned Property -- Computing Approximate GCD of Multivariate Polynomials -- Structured Low Rank Approximation of a Sylvester Matrix -- Implementation of Fast Low Rank Approximation of a Sylvester Matrix -- New Algorithms for Exact and Approximate Polynomial Decomposition -- Amortized Bound for Root Isolation via Sturm Sequences -- An Algorithm of Real Root Isolation for Polynomial Systems with Applications to the Construction of Limit Cycles -- An Algebraic Method for Separating Close-Root Clusters and the Minimum Root Separation -- On the Location of Zeros of an Interval Polynomial -- Root-Finding with Eigen-Solving -- Galois Theory via Eigenvalue Methods -- Pythagore’s Dilemma, Symbolic-Numeric Computation, and the Border Basis Method -- Proposal for the Algorithmic Use of the BKK-Number in the Algebraic Reduction of a O-dimensional Polynomial System -- Evaluation of Jacobian Matrices for Newton’s Method with Deflation to Approximate Isolated Singular Solutions of Polynomial Systems -- On Approximate Linearized Triangular Decompositions -- On the Extended Iterative Proportional Scaling Algorithm -- Preprocessing for Finite Element Discretizations of Geometric Problems -- Symbolic Computation Sequences and Numerical Analytic Geometry Applied to Multibody Dynamical Systems -- A Symbolic-Numeric Approach to an Electric Field Problem -- Financial Applications of Symbolically Generated Compact Finite Difference Formulae -- Symbolic Analyzer for Large Lumped and Distributed Networks.
* Numerical analysis. Numerical Analysis.
* Wang, Dongming., edt, http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/relators/edt Zhi, Lihong., edt, http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/relators/edt
* Title
* Series