Cole, E.A.B.
Mathematical and Numerical Modelling of Heterostructure Semiconductor Devices: From Theory to Programming by E.A.B. Cole. -
XV, 406 p. 40 illus. online resource.
Content notes : Overview and physical equations -- Overview of device modelling -- Quantum mechanics -- Equilibrium thermodynamics and statistical mechanics -- Density of states and applications—1 -- Density of states and applications—2 -- The transport equations and the device equations -- Mathematical and numerical methods -- Basic approximation and numerical methods -- Fermi and associated integrals -- The upwinding method -- Solution of equations: the Newton and reduced method -- Solution of equations: the phaseplane method -- Solution of equations: the multigrid method -- Approximate and numerical solutions of the Schrödinger equation -- Genetic algorithms and simulated annealing -- Grid generation.
* Engineering mathematics. Mathematical physics. Mathematical Modeling and Industrial Mathematics. Mathematical and Computational Engineering. Mathematical Methods in Physics.