Families of Automorphic Forms and the Trace Formula edited by Werner Müller, Sug Woo Shin, Nicolas Templier. -
XII, 578 p. 19 illus. online resource.
- (Simons Symposia, )
Content notes : Germ expansions for real groups (J. Arthur) -- Slopes of modular forms (K. Buzzard, T. Gee) -- Transfer principles for bounds of motivic exponential functions (R. Cluckers, J. Gordon I. Halupczok) -- Growth of Hecke fields along a p-adic analytic family of modular forms (H. Hida) -- The trace formula and prehomogeneous vector spaces (W. Hoffmann) -- The local Langlands conjectures for non-quasi-split groups (T. Kaletha) -- Asymptotics and local constancy of characters of p-adic groups (J.-L. Kim, S.-W. Shin, N. Templier) -- Endoscopy and cohomology of a quasi-split U(4) (S. Marshall) -- Distribution of Hecke Eigenvalues for GL(n) (J. Matz) -- Zeta functions for the adjoint action of GL(n) and density of residues of Dedekind zeta functions (J. Matz) -- Some results in the theory of low-lying zeros of families of L-functions (B. Mackall, S. Miller, C. Rapti, C. Turnage-Butterbaugh, K. Winsor) -- Asymptotics of automorphic spectra and the trace formula (W. Müller) -- Families of L-functions and their symmetry (P. Sarnak, S.-W. Shin, N. Templier). .
* Topology. Harmonic analysis. Discrete groups. Number theory. Topology. Abstract Harmonic Analysis. Convex and Discrete Geometry. Number Theory.
* Müller, Werner., edt, http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/relators/edt Shin, Sug Woo., edt, http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/relators/edtTemplier, Nicolas., edt, http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/relators/edt
* Title
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