Dependence Logic Theory and Applications / edited by Samson Abramsky, Juha Kontinen, Jouko Väänänen, Heribert Vollmer. -
XIV, 276 p. 23 illus. online resource.
Content notes : Introduction -- Durand, Kontinen, Vollmer, Expressivity and Complexity of Dependence Logic -- Väänänen, Grelling on Dependence -- Galliani, On Strongly First-Order Dependencies -- Grädel, Games for Inclusion Logic and Fixed-Point Logic -- Hodges, Remarks on Compositionality -- Hirvonen, Independence in Model Theory -- Ciardelli, Dependency as Question Entailment -- Link, Approximation Logics for Subclasses of Probabilistic Conditional Independence and Hierarchical Dependence on Incomplete Data -- Nyman, Pensar, Corander, Context-Specific and Local Independence in Markovian Dependence Structures -- Pacuit, Fang, Dependence and Independence in Social Choice: Arrow's Theorem -- Blass, Introduction to Secret-Sharing.
* Logic, Symbolic and mathematical. Computer science. Logic. Mathematical Logic and Foundations. Mathematical Logic and Formal Languages. Logic.
* Abramsky, Samson., edt, http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/relators/edt Kontinen, Juha., edt, http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/relators/edtVäänänen, Jouko., edt, http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/relators/edtVollmer, Heribert., edt, http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/relators/edt
* Title