Tu, Loring W.
Differential Geometry Connections, Curvature, and Characteristic Classes / by Loring W. Tu. -
XVII, 347 p. 87 illus., 15 illus. in color. online resource.
- (Graduate Texts in Mathematics, 275)
Content notes : Preface -- Chapter 1. Curvature and Vector Fields -- 1. Riemannian Manifolds -- 2. Curves -- 3. Surfaces in Space -- 4. Directional Derivative in Euclidean Space -- 5. The Shape Operator -- 6. Affine Connections -- 7. Vector Bundles -- 8. Gauss's Theorema Egregium -- 9. Generalizations to Hypersurfaces in Rn+1 -- Chapter 2. Curvature and Differential Forms -- 10. Connections on a Vector Bundle -- 11. Connection, Curvature, and Torsion Forms -- 12. The Theorema Egregium Using Forms -- Chapter 3. Geodesics -- 13. More on Affine Connections -- 14. Geodesics -- 15. Exponential Maps -- 16. Distance and Volume -- 17. The Gauss-Bonnet Theorem -- Chapter 4. Tools from Algebra and Topology -- 18. The Tensor Product and the Dual Module -- 19. The Exterior Power -- 20. Operations on Vector Bundles -- 21. Vector-Valued Forms -- Chapter 5. Vector Bundles and Characteristic Classes -- 22. Connections and Curvature Again -- 23. Characteristic Classes -- 24. Pontrjagin Classes -- 25. The Euler Class and Chern Classes -- 26. Some Applications of Characteristic Classes -- Chapter 6. Principal Bundles and Characteristic Classes -- 27. Principal Bundles -- 28. Connections on a Principal Bundle -- 29. Horizontal Distributions on a Frame Bundle -- 30. Curvature on a Principal Bundle -- 31. Covariant Derivative on a Principal Bundle -- 32. Character Classes of Principal Bundles -- A. Manifolds -- B. Invariant Polynomials -- Hints and Solutions to Selected End-of-Section Problems -- List of Notations -- References -- Index.
* Global differential geometry. Geometry, algebraic. Differential Geometry. Algebraic Geometry.
* Series