Rings, Polynomials, and Modules edited by Marco Fontana, Sophie Frisch, Sarah Glaz, Francesca Tartarone, Paolo Zanardo. -
VIII, 375 p. 32 illus. online resource.
Content notes : Preface -- 1 Reducing Fractions to Lowest Terms -- 2 Unique Factorization in Torsion-free Modules -- 3 n-Absorbing Ideals of Commutative Rings and Recent Progresses on Three Conjectures: A Survey -- 4 Embedding Dimension and Codimension of Tensor Products of Algebras Over a Field -- 5 Minimal Generating Sets for the D-Algebra Int(S,D) -- 6 Algebraic Entropy in Locally Linearly Compact Vector Spaces -- 7 Commutative Rings Whose Finitely Generated Ideals are Quasi-Flat -- 8 Commutative Rings with a Prescribed Number of Isomorphism Classes of Minimal Ring Extensions -- 9 Applications of Multisymmetric Syzygies in Invariant Theory -- 10 Functorial Properties of Star Operations: New Developments -- 11 Systems of Sets of Lengths: Transfer Krull Monoids Versus Weakly Krull Monoids -- 12 Corner’s Realization Theorems from the Viewpoint of Algebraic Entropy -- 13 Directed Unions of Local Quadratic Transforms of Regular Local Rings and Pullbacks -- 14 Divisorial Prime Ideals in Prüfer Domains -- 15 A gg-Cancellative Semistar Operation on an Integral Domain Need Not Be gh-Cancellative -- 16 Quasi-Prüfer Extensions of Rings -- 17 A Note on Analytically Irreducible Domains -- 18 Integer-valued Polynomials on Algebras: A Survey of Recent Results and Open Questions.
* Algebra. Commutative Rings and Algebras. Associative Rings and Algebras.
* Fontana, Marco., edt, http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/relators/edt Frisch, Sophie., edt, http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/relators/edtGlaz, Sarah., edt, http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/relators/edtTartarone, Francesca., edt, http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/relators/edtZanardo, Paolo., edt, http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/relators/edt
* Title