Combinatorial Algebraic Geometry Selected Papers From the 2016 Apprenticeship Program / edited by Gregory G. Smith, Bernd Sturmfels. -
VIII, 390 p. 94 illus., 53 illus. in color. online resource.
- (Fields Institute Communications, 80)
Content notes : Fitness, Apprenticeship, and Polynomials (B. Sturmfels).- From Curves to Tropical Jacobians and Back (B. Bolognese, M. Brandt, L. Chua).- Tritangent Planes to Space Sextics: the Algebraic and Tropical Stories (C. Harris, Y. Len).- Theta Characteristics of Tropical K4-Curves (M. Chan, P.t Jiradilok).- Secants, Bitangents, and Their Congruences (K. Kohn, B. Ivar Utstøl Nødland, P. Tripoli).- Equations of M0,n (L. Monin and J. Rana).- Minkowski Sums and Hadamard Products of Algebraic Varieties (N. Friedenberg, A. Oneto, and R.L. Williams).- paKhovanskii Bases of Cox–Nagata Rings and Tropical Geometry (M.B. Guill´en, D. Corey, M. Donten-Bury, N. Fujita, G. Merz).- Equations and Tropicalization of Enriques Surfaces (B. Bolognese, C. Harris, J. Jelisiejew).- Specht Polytopes and Specht Matroids (J.D. Wiltshire-Gordon, A. Woo, and M. Zajaczkowska) -- The Degree of SO(n,C) (M. Brandt, J. Bruce, T. Brysiewicz, R. Krone, E. Robeva).- Computing Toric Degenerations of Flag Varieties (L. Bossinger, S. Lamboglia, K. Mincheva, and F. Mohammadi).- The Multidegree of the Multi-Image Variety (L. Escobar, A. Knutson).- The Convex Hull of Two Circles in R3 (E.D. Nash, A. Firat Pir, F. Sottile, L. Ying).- The Hilbert Scheme of 11 Points in A3 is Irreducible (T. Douvropoulos, J. Jelisiejew, B. Ivar Utstøl Nødland, Z. Teitler).- Towards a Tropical Hodge Bundle (Bo Lin and Martin Ulirsch).- Cellular Sheaf Cohomology in polymake (L. Kastner, K. Shaw, A.-L. Winz) -- Index.
* Geometry, algebraic. Combinatorics. Algebraic Geometry. Combinatorics.
* Smith, Gregory G., edt, http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/relators/edt Sturmfels, Bernd., edt, http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/relators/edt
* Title
* Series