Cherniha, Roman.
Nonlinear Reaction-Diffusion Systems Conditional Symmetry, Exact Solutions and their Applications in Biology / by Roman Cherniha, Vasyl' Davydovych. -
XIII, 160 p. 13 illus., 10 illus. in color. online resource.
- (Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 2196)
Content notes : 1 Scalar reaction-diffusion equations – conditional symmetry, exact solutions and applications -- 2 Q-conditional symmetries of reaction-diffusion systems -- 3 Conditional symmetries and exact solutions of diffusive Lotka–Volterra systems -- 4 Q-conditional symmetries of the first type and exact solutions of nonlinear reaction-diffusion systems -- A List of reaction-diffusion systems and exact solutions -- Index.
* Differential equations, partial. Mathematical and Computational Biology. Partial Differential Equations. Mathematical Physics.
* Davydovych, Vasyl'., aut, http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/relators/aut
* Title
* Series