100 SD:610.621 WHO.TR.746
WHO Study Group on Community-Based Education of Health Personnel
Community-based education of health personnel : report of a WHO study group, meeting held in Geneva from 4 to 6 November 1985
Geneva : World Health Organization, 1987
89 Pages: tables; 20 cm.
- (World Health Organization technical report series ; no. 746 )
Content notes : 1. Introduction -- 2. Definitions and explanations -- 3. The rationale of community-based education -- 4. The principles and issues -- 5. recommendations on how to start a community-based educational proggramme -- 6. Recommendations on how to foster an understanding of the concept of community-based education -- 7. Recommendations to the World Health Organization -- References -- Annexes
* Education Community Medicine Community Health and Primary Health Care
* Series