American literature; [electronic resource] tradition & innovation. Edited by Harrison T. Meserole, Walter Sutton [and] Brom Weber.
Material type:
- 810/.8
- PS507 .M44
Includes bibliographical references.
A description of new england - The general history of virginia, book III - A character of the province of maryland - Of plymouth plantation - Journal selections - Samuel Sewall - Sarah Kemble Knight - History of the dividing line - Progress of the mines - London diary selections - John Woolman - Letters from an american farmer - Travels - The courteous pagan shall condemne - One step twix't me and death - What habacuck once spake, mine eyes - Mans restlesse soule hath restlesse eyes and ears - They see gods wonders that are call'd - Truth is a native, naked be beauty; but - Boast not proud english - The prologue - The author to her book - Contemplations - As weary pilgrim now at rest - The vanity of all worldly things - In memory of my dear grandchild - To my dear and loving husband - A letter to her husband - The day of doom - Edward Taylor - The ebb and flow - Huswifery - Upon a spider catching a fly - The sot weed factor - Bacon's epitaph made by his man - On the death of G:B - Of John bunyans life & c - A few lines to fill up a vacant page - The poem - And the bitter storm augments - Nathaniel Ward - On a sea storm nigh the coast - Sweetly my dearest i left thee sleep - Upon the decrease of mris. anne griffin - The bloudy tenent - To the town of providence - In praise of eloquence - Wonders of the invisible world - Magnalia christi americana - Political fables - Manuductio ad ministerium - Sarah pierrepont - Sinners in the hand of an angry god - Personal narrative - Narrative of surprising conversions - Images or shadows of divine things - The autobiography of benjamin franklin - Dogood paper no. 7 - Speech of polly baker - The way to wealth - Rules by which a great empire may be reduced to a small one - The ephemera - Common sence - American crisis - Rights of man - Age of reason - Declaration of independence - Notes on virginia - A picture of the times - To the americans of the united states - The power of fancy - The house of night - The wild honey suckle - Indian burying ground - To the lost louisa - On a honey bee - To a caty-did - On the religion of nature - On the uniformity and perfection of nature - Progress of dulness - The hasty pudding - Advice to a raven in russia - Modern chivalry - Charles Brown - A journey from patapsco to annapolis - Anacreontic - Mather Byles - Dreams - A dithyrambic on wine - A night piece - To benjamin franklin - An hymn to the evening - On imagination - The battle of the kegs - Yankee doodle - A tour on the prairies - Alhambra - Tales of a traveller - The sketch book - A history of new york - The deerslayer - The last of the mohicans - The pathfinder - The pioneers - The prairie - Notions of the americans - The american democrat - Thanatopsis - The yellow violet - Inscription for the entrance to a wood - To a waterfowl - Summer wind - A forest hymn - Oh fairest of the rural maids - To cole, the painter, departing for europe - To the fringed gentian - Nature - The american scholar - Self reliance - The poet - New england reformers - Montaigne - Illusions - Grace - The rhodora - Each and all - The snow storm - Concord hymn - The humble bee - The problem - Fable - Uriel - Give all to love - Hamatreya - Ode, incribed to w. h. channing - Bacchus - Merlin - Brahma - Days - Two rivers - The adirondacs - Terminus - Civil disobedience - Walden - Wild apples - Great god, i ask thee for no meaner pelf - Light winged smoke, icarian bird - Conscience is instinct bred in the house - Woof of the sun, ethereal gauze - The atlantides - I am a parcel of vain strivings tied - Epitaph on the world - I was made erect and lone - A winter and spring scene - King pest - Ligeia - The man that was used up - The fall of the house of usher - The man of the crowd - The purloined letter - The imp of perverse - The system of dr. tarr and professor fether - Hawthorne's twice told tales - A dream within a dream - Sonnet to science - Romance - To helen - Israfel - The city in the sea - To one in paradise - Dream land - The raven - Ulalume - Eldorado - Annabel lee - The hollow of the three hills - My kinsman, major molineux - My. higginbotham's catastrophe - Mrs. bullfrog - Young goodman brown - The wedding knell - The artist of the beautiful - Ethan brand - The old manse - Our old home - Bartleby - Cock a doodle doo - The paradise of bachelors and the tartarus of maids - Benito cereno - Hawthorne and his mosses - Battle pieces and aspects of war - John marr and other sailors - The horse swap - The big bear of arkansas - Some adventures of captain simon suggs - Rare ripe garden seed - Contempt of court-almost - Trapping a sheriff - Blown up with soda - A psalm of life - Hymn to the night - The skeleton in armor - The arsenal at springfield - Nuremberg - The bridge - The evening star - Prelude to evangeline - Seaweed - King witlaf's drinking horn - The fire of driftwood - In the churchyard at cambridge - The jewish cemetery at newport - My lost youth - Divina commedia - Tales of wayside inn - Chaucer - Keramos - the tide rises, the tide falls - Jugurtha - The cross of snow - Massachusetts to virginia - Proem - Ichabod - Maud muller - Skipper ireson's ride - Telling the bees - My playmate - The double headed snake of newbury - Snow bound - Prelude to among the hills - The dead feast of the kol-folk - Ballad of the oysterman - My aunt - The last leaf - The moral bully - The chambered nautilus - The deacon's masterpiece - Latter day warnings - At the pantomime - At the unitarian festival - At the saturday club - Elsie venner - Remembered music - A fable for critics - The biglow papers - Fitz adam's story - After the burial - What rabbi jehosha said - A winter evening hymn to my fire - Unde the old elm - Tempora mutantur - Eleanor makes macaroons - The function of the poet - The cricket - Under the locust blossoms - Sonnets: first series - Thar's more in the man than thar is in the land - The symphony - Song of the chattahoochee - The harlequin of dreams - The marches of glynn - Marsh song at sunset - A ballad of trees and the master
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