Closing the ring. [electronic resource]
Material type:
- 940.53
- D743 .C47 vol. 5
The command of the seas, Guadalcanal and New Guinea -- The conquest of Sicily, July and August 1943 -- The fall of Mussolini -- Westward ho? synthetic harbours -- The Quebec Conference quadrant -- Italy: the armistice -- At the White House again, the invasion of Italy -- The Battle of Salerno, a homeward voyage -- A spell at home -- Tensions with General de Gaulle -- The broken Axis, Autumn 1943 -- Island prizes lost -- Hitler's secret weapon -- Deadlock on the Third Front -- Arctic convoys again -- Foreign secretaries' conference in Moscow -- Advent of the triple meeting -- Cairo -- Teheran: th opening -- Cairo again: the high command -- In Carthage ruins Azio -- At Marrakesh convalescence -- Marshal Tito and Yugoslavia -- The Anzio stroke -- Italy:Cassino -- The mounting air offensive -- The Greek torment -- Burma and beyond -- Strategy against Japan -- Preparations for "Overlord" -- Rome -- On the eve.
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