Keepers of the night : [electronic resource] Native American stories and nocturnal activities for children / Michael J. Caduto and Joseph Bruchac ; story illustrations by David Kanietakeron Fadden ; chapter illustrations by Jo Levasseur and Carol Wood ; foreword by Merlin D. Tuttle.
Material type:
- 1555911773 (pbk.) :
- 9781555911775 (pbk.)
- 398.2/089/97 20
- E98.F6 C13 1994
Includes bibliographical references and index.
How the bat came to be (Anishinabe--Eastern woodland) -- Moth, the fire dancer (Paiute--Great Basin) -- Oot-Kwah-Tah, the seven star dancers (Onondaga--Eastern woodland) -- The creation of the moon (Diné--Southwest) -- Chipmunk and the owl sisters (Okanagan [Colville]--Plateau) -- The great lacrosse game (Menominee--Eastern woodland) -- How grizzley bear climbed the mountain (Shoshone--Great basin).
Night is more than just a period of time between sunset and sunrise. In Native cultures nighttime is a crucial part of the Great Circle and balance in the universe, and Keepers of the Night features Native wisdom to help young people learn valuable lessons about the natural world.
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