Spelling the easy way / [electronic resource] Joseph Mersand, Francis Griffith, Kathryn O'D. Griffith.
Material type:
- 0812091434
- 9780812091434
- 428/.1 20
- PE1145.2 .M39 1996
10,000 word ready reference spelling list -- The importance of spelling -- ch. 1. Why bother to spell correctly? -- ch. 2. Why is spelling so difficult? -- ch. 3. Why we misspell -- ch. 4. How to become a good speller -- ch. 5. Mnemonics -- Rules for spelling -- ch. 6. Better spelling by ear -- ch. 7. Some special problems -- ch. 8. Prefixes -- ch. 9. Confusing suffixes -- ch. 10. Plurals of nouns -- ch. 11. The final -y -- ch. 12. the final -e -- ch. 13. Doubling final consonants -- ch. 14. British and American spelling -- English as a second language -- ch. 15. English as a second language -- Special devices -- ch. 16. The hyphen -- ch. 17. The apostrophe -- ch. 18. Capital letters -- ch. 19. Spelling abbreviations -- Troublesome words -- ch. 20. Homonyms and homophones and other confusing pairs of words -- ch. 21. Word building -- ch. 22. Most frequently misspelled words -- ch. 23. Demons and superdemons -- ch. 24. Science and technology -- ch. 25. Computer terms -- ch. 26. Medical terms -- Measuring your progress -- ch. 27. Achievement tests -- ch. 28. Answer key.
Discusses the importance of good spelling, explaining the general rules of English spelling, and examines some troublesome spelling problems.
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