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Alpine expedition through algebraic topology / [edited by] Christian Ausoni...[et al.].

By: Contributor(s): Material type: TextTextSeries: Contemporary mathematics ; 617Publication details: Providence : American Mathematical Society, c2014.Description: xv, 296 p. : illustrations ; 26 cmISBN:
  • 9780821891452 (alk. paper)
Subject(s): DDC classification:
  • 510 23 Am512c
Some properties of the Thom spectrum over loop suspension of complex projective space by A. Baker and B. Richter-- Rational equivariant rigidity by D. Barnes and C. Roitzheim-- Homotopy colimits of model categories by J. E. Bergner-- The cobordism category and Waldhausen's K -theory by M. Bokstedt and I. Madsen-- Idempotents, localizations and Picard groups of A (1)-modules by R. R. Bruner-- Covers of groups by W. Chacholski-- A relative h-principle via cobordism-like categories by E. Dotto Absolutely homotopy-cartesian squares by R. Eldred-- Koszul duality complexes for the cohomology of iterated loop spaces of spheres by B. Fresse-- Periodicity, compositions and EHP sequences by B. Gray-- Non-connective K - and Nil-spectra of additive categories by W. Luck and W. Steimle H...not equal to E... by J. Noel-- Calculating descent for 2-primary topological modular forms by V. Stojanoska-- Applications of functor (co)homology by A. Touze-- Constructing homotopy equivalences of chain complexes of free {Z}G-modules by L. Vokrinek.
Summary: This volume contains the proceedings of the Fourth Arolla Conference on Algebraic Topology, which took place in Arolla, Switzerland, from August 20-25, 2012. The papers in this volume cover topics such as category theory and homological algebra, functor homology, algebraic K -theory, cobordism categories, group theory, generalized cohomology theories and multiplicative structures, the theory of iterated loop spaces, Smith-Toda complexes, and topological modular forms.
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Includes bibliographical references.

Some properties of the Thom spectrum over loop suspension of complex projective space by A. Baker and B. Richter--
Rational equivariant rigidity by D. Barnes and C. Roitzheim-- Homotopy colimits of model categories by J. E. Bergner--
The cobordism category and Waldhausen's K -theory by M. Bokstedt and I. Madsen--
Idempotents, localizations and Picard groups of A (1)-modules by R. R. Bruner--
Covers of groups by W. Chacholski--
A relative h-principle via cobordism-like categories by E. Dotto Absolutely homotopy-cartesian squares by R. Eldred--
Koszul duality complexes for the cohomology of iterated loop spaces of spheres by B. Fresse--
Periodicity, compositions and EHP sequences by B. Gray-- Non-connective K - and Nil-spectra of additive categories by W. Luck and W. Steimle
H...not equal to E... by J. Noel--
Calculating descent for 2-primary topological modular forms by V. Stojanoska--
Applications of functor (co)homology by A. Touze--
Constructing homotopy equivalences of chain complexes of free {Z}G-modules by L. Vokrinek.

This volume contains the proceedings of the Fourth Arolla Conference on Algebraic Topology, which took place in Arolla, Switzerland, from August 20-25, 2012. The papers in this volume cover topics such as category theory and homological algebra, functor homology, algebraic K -theory, cobordism categories, group theory, generalized cohomology theories and multiplicative structures, the theory of iterated loop spaces, Smith-Toda complexes, and topological modular forms.

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