Bayesian Statistics in Action [electronic resource] : BAYSM 2016, Florence, Italy, June 19-21 / edited by Raffaele Argiento, Ettore Lanzarone, Isadora Antoniano Villalobos, Alessandra Mattei.
Material type:
- text
- computer
- online resource
- 9783319540849
- 519.5 23
- QA276-280
Part I THEORY AND METHODS -- 1 Sequential Monte Carlo methods in random intercept models for longitudinal data -- 2 On the truncation error of a superposed gamma process -- 3 On the study of two models for integer valued high-frequency data -- 4 Identification and Estimation of Principal Causal Effects in Randomized Experiments with Treatment Switching -- 5 A Bayesian Joint Dispersion Model with Flexible Links -- 6 Local posterior concentration rate for multilevel sparse sequences -- 7 Likelihood Tempering in Dynamic Model Averaging -- 8 Localization in High-Dimensional Monte Carlo Filtering -- 9 Linear inverse problem with range prior on correlations and its Variational Bayes. Part II APPLICATIONS AND CASE STUDIES -- 10 Bayesian hierarchical model for assessment of climate model biases -- 11 An application of Bayesian seemingly unrelated regression models with flexible tails -- 12 Bayesian Inference of Stochastic Pursuit Models from Basketball Tracking Data -- 13 Identification of patient-specific parameters in a kinetic model of fluid and mass transfer during dialysis -- 14 A Bayesian nonparametric approach to ecological risk assessment -- 15 Approximate Bayesian Computation Methods in the identification of atmospheric contamination sources for DAPPLE experiment -- 16 Bayesian survival analysis to model plant resistance and tolerance to virus diseases -- 17 Randomization Inference and Bayesian Inference in Regression Discontinuity Design: An application to Italian University grants -- 18 Bayesian methods for microsimulation models -- 19 A Bayesian Model for Describing and Predicting the Stochastic Demand of Emergency Calls -- 20 Flexible Parallel Split-Merge MCMC for the HDP -- 21 Bayesian Inference for Continuous Time Animal Movement Based on Steps and Turns -- 22 Explaining the Lethality of Boko Haram’s Terrorist Attacks in Nigeria, 2009-2014: A Hierarchical Bayesian Approach -- 23 Optimizing movement of cooperating pedestrians by exploiting floor-field model and Markov decision process.
This book is a selection of peer-reviewed contributions presented at the third Bayesian Young Statisticians Meeting, BAYSM 2016, Florence, Italy, June 19-21. The meeting provided a unique opportunity for young researchers, M.S. students, Ph.D. students, and postdocs dealing with Bayesian statistics to connect with the Bayesian community at large, to exchange ideas, and to network with others working in the same field. The contributions develop and apply Bayesian methods in a variety of fields, ranging from the traditional (e.g., biostatistics and reliability) to the most innovative ones (e.g., big data and networks).
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