TY - BOOK AU - Haydn,Hiram Collins TI - The portable Elizabethan reader, T2 - The Viking portable library AV - PR1125 .H35 U1 - 820.82 PY - 1946/// CY - New York PB - Viking Press KW - English literature KW - Early modern, 1500-1700 KW - Great Britain KW - History KW - Elizabeth, 1558-1603 KW - Literary collections N1 - "Biographical notes": p. xiv-xvi; New horizons; Prologue; A meeting in hell; John Donne; New horizons; Across the Atlantic; To the Virginian voyage; Michael Drayton --; The death of Sir Humphrey Gilbert; Search for the Northwest Passage; Richard Hakluyt --; The discovery of Guiana; Sir Walter Ralegh --; Work for chimney-sweeps : a warning against tobacco; J. H. --; Montaigne and the noble savage; John Florio; New horizons; The upheaval in the heavens; In support of Copernicus; Thomas Digges; New horizons; The upheaval in the heavens; Portents in the sky; In the shadow of the great year; Robert Ashley --; The approaching end; John Norden --; Nature, the queen of change; Fulke Greville --; New philosophy calls all in doubt; John Donne --; These late eclipses; William Shakespeare --; The stars' distemperature disproved; Thomas Nashe --; The reign of law; Richard Hooker; New horizons; The upheaval in the heavens; On looking through a telescope, Galileo and Hariot; The man in the moon; Sir William Lower --; The mathematical professor at Padua; Sir Henry Wotten --; The perspective cylinder; Sir William Lower --; Venus and the "worthy astrologer"; Sir Walter Ralegh; New horizons; An inquiry into the nature of man; Montaigne on repentance; John Florio --; New fashions in morals; Gabriel Harvey; New horizons; The new learning; The schoolmaster; Roger Ascham --; Revolution at Cambridge; Gabriel Harvey --; The diseases and humours of learning; Salomon's house; Francis Bacon; The dream of power; Empire and the shadow of Machiavelli; The best iron in the world; Of the true greatness of kingdoms; Of boldness; Francis Bacon --; The cult of virtù; Gabriel Harvey; The dream of power; Blood and vengeance; The sacking of Babylon; Christopher Marlowe --; The vengeance of Cutwolf; Thomas Nashe; The dream of power; The lure of magic; The tragical history of Dr. Faustus; Christopher Marlowe --; Dr. Dee and the spirits; John Dee --; Black magic; Sir Walter Ralegh --; Witches, incubi and skepticism; Reginald Scot; The rise of Protestantism; The death of Ridley and Latimer; John Foxe --; English book of common prayer; Daily devotionals --; The authorized version of the Bible; The wooing of Rebekah; Jew or Gentile; The prodigal son; Mary Magdalene at the sepulcher --; Of the laws of the universe; Richard Hooker --; Corruption and redemption; John Donne; The creed of the court; The perfect courtier; The president of chivalry : Sir Philip Sidney; The quarrel on the tennis court; Thy need is greater than mine; Death; Fulke Greville --; Elizabeth's Essex; Sir Robert naunton --; How a gallant should behave himself in a playhouse; Thomas Dekker; The creed of the court; The religion of beauty in women; The faerie queene : the author's introduction; Edmund Spenser --; Astrophel and Stella; Sir Philip Sidney; The common man; In praise of the artisan; Gabriel Harvey --; The shoemaker's holiday; Thomas Dekker; The common man; Broadside ballads; A song between the queen's majesty and England; William Birche --; A new courtly sonnet, of the lady Greensleeves --; A proper new song made by a student in Cambridge; Thomas Richardson --; As you came from the holy land of Walsingham; Thomas Deloney --; Mary Ambree; William Elderton; The common man; I caught the bird; Thomas Nashe; The well of the past; Meditiations on history; Sir Walter Ralegh --; from Homer's Iliad; Achiles prepares for battle; Priam begs for the body of Hector; George Chapman --; Antony's flight; Cleopatra's death; Sir Thomas North --; The battle of Agincourt; Raphael Holinshead --; The Wars of the Roses; Edward hall; An age of song; An apology for poetry; Sir Philip Sidney --; Sonnets and lyrics; Whoso list to hunt; To a lady, to answer directly; The lover showeth; Forget not yet; Blame not my lute; The lover complaineth; Sir Thomas Wyatt --; When i was fair and young; Elizabeth --; To Elizabeth; Change thy mind; To plead my faith; A passion; Robert Devereux, Earl of Essex --; Poems; A description of love; A vision upon this conceit of the faerie queene; Nymph's reply; To his son; Nature, that washed her hands; The lie; The passionate man's pilgrimage; Sir Walter Ralegh --; The bower of bliss; Epithalamion; Edmund Spenser --; Songs; A sweet lullaby; Say that I should say; Philida and Coridon; An odd conceit; Nicolas Breton --; Songs; Sephestia's song; The shepherd's wife's song; Sweet are the thoughts; Philomela's ode; Robert Greene --; Songs; Rosalind's madrigal; My mistress when she goes; Phillis; Thomas Lodge --; Dowsabell; Sonnets; Michael Drayton --; Fifteen songs; My love bound me; What if a day; My sweetest Lesbia; When to her lute; Follow your saint; Thou art not fair; The man of life upright; Hark, all you ladies; Rose-cheeked Laura; I care not for these ladies; Now winter nights enlarge; Never love unless you can; There is a garden; Young and simple though I am; Fain would I wed; Thomas Campion --; Lyrics; Epitaph on Elizabeth, L. H.; Why I write not of love; Song to Celia (1); Song to Celia (2); His excuse for loving; Her triumph; Beggin another kiss; The plant and flower of light; To Cynthia; If I freely may discover; Still to be neat; Ben Johnson --; Poems; Song; The sun rising; A lecture upon the shadow; The ecstasy; To his mistress on going to bed; The undertaking; The relic; The anniversary; John Donne --; Sonnets; At the round earth's imagined corners; Death, be not proud; John Donne --; Poems; Good Friday; Hymn to God the Father; John Donne; Also issued online UR - http://www.archive.org/details/portableelizabet00haydrich UR - http://www.openlibrary.org/books/OL6522070M ER -