TY - BOOK AU - Lavatelli,Celia Stendler AU - Martin,William Ellsworth TI - Readings in child behavior and development AV - HQ772 .L34 U1 - 136.7 PY - 1964///] CY - New York PB - Harcourt, Brace & World KW - Child development KW - Child Psychology N1 - "Second edition of Readings in child development [edited by W. E. Martin and C. B. Stendler]"; Includes bibliographies; The sequence in human fetal activity / Davenport Hooker -- The inheritance of emotionality / Calvin S. Hall -- Maturation and infant behavior pattern / Arnold Gesell -- Genetic differences in the behavior of dogs: a case of magnification by thresholds and by habit formation / J.P. Scott and Margaret S. Charles -- Studies on the basic factors in animal fighting: VII. Inter-species coexistence in mammals / Zing Yang Kuo -- Imprinting / Eckhard H. Hess -- Pattern vision in newborn infants / Robert Fantz -- Stimulation in infancy / Seymour Levine -- Early visual and motor experiences as determiners of complex maze--learning ability under rich and reduced stimulation / Ronald H. Forgus -- Psychological privation in infancy and subsequent adjustment / William Goldfarb -- The later effects of an experimental modification of mothering / Harriet L. Rheingold and Nancy Bayley -- Causes of retardation among institutional children: Iran / Wayne Dennis -- Freudian theories of identification and their derivatives / Urie Bronfenbrenner -- An experiment in group upbringing / Ann Freud and Sophie Dann -- Making interesting sights last / Jean Piaget -- Children's reactions to novelty: an experimental study of "curiosity motivation" / Charles D. Smock and Bess Gene Holt -- Motivation reconsidered: the concept of competence / Robert W. White -- Relation of early socialization experiences to aggression in middle childhood / Robert R. Sears -- Nurturance and Nurturance--withdrawal in relation to the dependency behavior of preschool children / Willard W. Hartup -- The psychosocial origins of achievement motivation / Bernard C. Rosen and Roy D'Andrade -- Eight ages of man / Erik H. Erikson -- Soviet methods of character education: some implications for research / Urie Bronfenbrenner -- Methods of child-rearing in two social classes / Eleanor E. MacCoby, Patricia K. Gibbs, and the staff of the laboratory of Human Development, Harvard University -- Factors in parental behavior and personality as related to problem behavior in children / Wesley C. Becker ... [et al.] -- Father-fantasies and father-typing in father-separated children / George R. Bach -- Achievement, creativity, and self-concept correlates of teacher-pupil transactions in elementary schools / Robert Lytton Spaulding -- How children form mathematical concepts / Jean Piaget -- Experimental analysis of the development of the conservation of number / Joachim F. Wohlwill and Roland C. Lowe -- The acquisition of conservation of substance and weight in children: III. Extinction of conservation of weight acquired "normally" and by means of empirical controls on a balance / Jan Smedslund -- A follow-up study of Inhelder and Piaget's the growth of logical thinking / K. Lovell -- The development of scientific concepts in childhood / L. Vygotsky -- Verbal regulation of behavior / Alexander R. Luria -- Word association and the acquisition of grammar / Roger Brown and Jean Berko -- Self-conceptions, motivations and interpersonal attitudes of late- and early-maturing boys / Paul Henry Mussen and Mary Cover Jones -- Shirley's babies after fifteen years: a personality study / Patricia Neilon -- The stability of passive and dependent behavior from childhood through adulthood / Jerome Kagan and Howard A. Moss -- Singularity and stability of profiles of social behavior / William E. Martin -- The stability of mental test performance between two and eighteen years / Marjorie P. Honzik , Jean W. MacFarlane, and Lucile Allen -- The regulation of human growth / J.M. Tanner; Also issued online UR - http://www.archive.org/details/readingsinchildb00lava UR - http://www.openlibrary.org/books/OL21301755M ER -