TY - BOOK AU - Guerrieri,L. ED - Argenzia per la Protezione dell'Ambiente e per i Servizi Tecnici TI - Field trip guide books: Italia 2004, 32nd International Geological Congress PY - 2004/// CY - Firenze PB - Litoterrazzi S.p.A. KW - Geology KW - Congresses KW - Italy N1 - "APAT, Argenzia per la Protezione dell'Ambiente e per i Servizi Tecnici, Dipartimento Difesa del Suolo, Servizio Geologico d'Italia"; Includes bibliographic references; V. 1. PR01; A geological transect from the Indian Plate to the East Hindu Kush, Pakistan; M. Gaetani, et al --; B01; The geology and archaeology of Cyrenaica; A.S. El-Hawat & E.O. Abdulsamad --; B02; The subducted tethys in the Aosta Valley (Italian Western Alps); S. Martin, G. Godard & G. Rebay --; B03; Sinkhole's phenomena in Lazio Region; F. Nolasco & A. Colombi --; B04; Cr-PGE mineralization, petrology and tectonics of the allochthonous complexes of NW Spain and Portugal; R. Lunar, et al --; B05; The Paleozoic basement through the 500 Ma history of the northern Apennines; E. Pandeli, F.A. Decandia & M. Tongiorgi --; B06; Geodiversity in the landscape of Emilia-Romagna (Northern Italy); P. Ceratza, et al--; B07; Quaternary eustatic fluctuations and biochronology of vertebrate-bearing deposits correlated with marine terraces in Sicily; V. Agnesi, et al --; B08; Large scale gravitational phenomena in southern-central Italy; F. Dramis, et al --; B10; Active tectonics in the Mediterranean sector of the Iberian Peninsula (East Spain); P. Silva, et al --; B12; Geological structure of the Romanian Carpathians; M. Sandulescu & R. Dimitrescu--; B13; The role of olistostromes and argille scagliose in the structural evolution of the northern Apennines; G.A. Pini, et al --; B14; Alpine thermal geology thermal water utilization in southern Carinthia (Austran-Italian border); W. Kollmann, F.W. Marsch & H. Zojer --; B15; The geological circuit of the four structural domains; B. Tadili, et al --; V. 2. B16; Western Pyrenees fold-and-thrust-belt; R. Bourrouilh, et al --; B17; The periadriatic intrusion of Vedrette di Ries - Rieserferner (Eastern Alps); B. Cesare, A.M. Fioretti & C. Rosenberg --; B18; Skarn deposits in southern Tuscany and Elba Island (Central Italy); M. Benvenuti, M. Boni & L. Meinert --; B19; The record of Messinian events in the northern Apennies foredeep basins; M. Roveri, et al --; B21; Ultrahigh and high pressure rocks of Saxony; H.-J. Massonne & H.-J. Bautsch --; B22; Paleozoic orogenies in the French Massif Central; M. Faure, et al --; B24; Late Quaternary evolution of the Po Plain from surface and subsurface data; A. Amorosi, et al --; B26; Neotectonic transect Moesia-Apulia; I. Mariolakos, et al --; B28; The Neapolitan active volcanoes (Vesuvio, Campi Flegrei, Ischia); G. Orsi, et al --; B29; Thermo-mechanical evolution of the Alpine belt; G. Gosso, et al --; B30; The Neogene thrust-top basins in central Sicily and the Neogene volcanism of the northern Monti Iblei in south-eastern Sicily; R.W.H. Butler, M. Grasso & R. Maniscalco --; B31; Cadomian orogenic imprints in the Bohemian Massif (Austria, The Czech Republic and Germany); G. Zulauf, et al --; B32; Exhumation of high-pressure metamorphic rocks within an active convergent margin, Crete, Greece; J.M. Rahl, C. Fassoulas & M.T. Brandon --; B33; The Control of the Mesozoic paleomargin architecture on the Pliocene rogenic system of the central Apennines; F. Calamita, et al --; V. 3. D01; Siena (Central Italy), urban geology, art and history of a medieval hilltop town and its bottini (underground aqueduct) and monumental fountains; A. Costantini & I.O. Martini --; D02; Karst and paleoenvironments of the Siena area; V. Pascucci, et al --; D03; Field sight near Rapolano Terme (Siena, Tuscany); M. Guerra & A. Raschi --; D04; Geoscience for cultural heritage safeguard in Florence; P. Canuti, et al --; D05; Walking through downtown Roma; R. Funiciello, et al --; D06; Geological features and the historical artistic heritage of Viterbo; U. Chiocchini, A. Lanconelli & S. Madonna --; D07; The Rieti intermountain basin and S. Francesco d'Assisi; C. Carrara, et al --; D08; Apennine tunneling works; G. Rodolfi, et al --; D09; Crusing along deformed Adria continental margin and tethys rocks (La Spezia, Cinque Terre, Ligurian Sea, central Italy); M. Papini & P. Vannucchi --; P01; Tectonics and high-pressure metamorphism in northwest Turkey; A.I. Okay --; P02; Structural geology, stratigraphy and volcanics accross the Apenninic-Maghrebian orogen in Sicily; F. Lentini, et al --; P03; Active tectonism along the Dead Sea transform in Jordan; A.M. Abed, M. Atallah & A. Al-Masri --; P05; Italian Alpine landslides; M. Amanti, et al --; P07; Deep-sea fluid expulsion and related products in the Miocene foredeep and satellite basins of the northern Apennines, Italy; P. Clari, et al --; P09; Ignimbritic deposits in central Italy; G. Nappi, L. Valentini & M. Mattioli --; P10; Contrasting patterns of late Quaternary tectonic uplift around the coastline of Sicily; F. Antonioli, et al --; P11; Variscan basement in north Sardinia and Corsica; R. Carosi, et al --; P12; The oceanic lithosphere of the Jurassic ligurian tethys; G.B. Piccardo, et al --; P13; Landslides of the Emilia Apennines (Northern Italy; G. Betolini, et al --; V. 4. P14; Historical-geological events and their impact on man; T.S. Pescatore, et al --; P15; Sedimentary and tectonic evolution of selected Neogene-Quaternary basins of the Apennines (Italy); M. Sagri, et al --; P18; The Apulia carbonate platform-margin and slope, late Jurassic to Eocene of the Maiella Mt. and Gargano Promontory; M. Morsilli, G. Rusciadelli & A. Bosellini --; P20; A geological transect across the southern Apennines along the seismic line CROP 04; E. Patacca & P. Scandone --; P22; Geomorphology and slope instability in the Dolomites (Northern Italy); L. Borgatti, et al --; P25; Travertines of Tuscany and Latium (Central Italy); A. Minissale & N.C. Sturchio --; P27; Northern Apennine and Corsica ophiolites; V. Bortolotti --; P30; Metallogeny in Sardinia (Italy); A. Marcello, et al --; P32; Volcanic activity at Mount Etna (Sicily); R. Cristofolini --; P33; Wines of Bordeaux and Cognac; R. Bourrouilh, M. Broquedis & G. Darne --; P35; Plio-Pleistocene stratigraphic and tectonic evolution of the foreland-foredeep Chain System in southern Italy; P. Pieri, et al --; P36; Paleogene and recent volcanism in the eastern Rhodopes (Bulgaria), and on Milos Island (Greece), and related industrial minerals; M. Fytikas, et al --; V. 5. P37; Hydrogelogy of the island of Sardinia (Italy); G. Barrocu, et al --; P38; Geology of the Alpi Apuane metamorphic complex (Alpi Apuane, Central Italy); L. Carmiganani --; P39; Sardinian Palaeozoic basement and its Meso-Cainozoic covers (Italy); S. Barca, et al --; P40; Geology tasting and wine mapping in central Italy; R. Colacicchi --; P41; Instrumented experimental sites for the control of landslide hazards in mountain environments; P. Allasia, et al --; P42; Geology and volcansim of Stromboli, Lipari, and Vulcano (Aeolian Islands); R. De Rosa, et al --; P44; Triassic carbonate platforms of the Dolomites carbonate production, relative sea-level fluctuations and the shaping of the depositional architecture; M Stefani, et al --; P45; The crust in western and central eastern Sicily; R. Catalano, et al --; P49; Facies and geometries of pelagic deposits in a Jurassic pelagic carbonate platform/basin system, Sabina, Central Apennines (Italy); M Santantonio & C. Muraro --; P52; Biostratigraphy, sedimentology and tectono-eustatic events of the lower and middle Jurassic of the Ksour Mountains (Western Saharian Atlas, Southern Algeria); L. Mekahli, S. Elmi & M. Benhamou --; P53; Adriatic-Dinaridic Mesozoic carbonate platform, environments and facies from Permian to recent time; M. Juracic, et al --; P54; Structure of the italian Dolomites, partially along the southern sector of the transalp seismic profile; A. Castellarin, et al --; V. 6. P55; Alpine-type lakes in Italy and Switzerland; F. Anselmetti, et al --; P56; Milankovitch cycles as a geochronometric tool to construct geological time scales; F. Hilgen --; P60; The Cretaceous-Tertiary (K-T) boundary in Elles and the other Tunisian outcrops; D. Zaghbib-Turki & N. Karoui-Yaakoub --; P61; Monte Argentario and Isola del Giglio (Southern Tuscany, Italy); J. Reinhardt & F. Rossetti --; P64; Geological setting, hazards and urban growth in some historical towns in Italy; D. Berti, et al --; P65; Basin and range in the central and southern Apennines; A.M. Blumetti, et al --; P66; Geotraverse across the Calabria-Peloritani terrane (Southern Italy); G. Bonardi, et al --; P67; Active volcanism and related events in Campania; G. Mastrolorenzo, et al--; P68; The late Triassic-early Jurassic of the Lombardy Basin; F. Jadoul, et al --; P69; European subcontinental mantel as revealed by Neogene volcanic rocks and mantle xenoliths of Sardinia; M. Lustrino, et al --; P70; A crustal section through intrusive and effusive volcanic complexes of the Tuscan magmatic province (Central Italy); G. Poli, et al --; P71; Geological setting of Albanian Ophiolitic Belt (Albania); S. Meco & A. Sinojmeri --; BW02; Extrusive carbonatites and their meaning; F. Stoppa, et al --; PW01; Low-angle normal faulting twenty years after; F. Brozzetti, R.E. Holdsworth & L. Jolivet --; PW06; Geological and geotechnical hazards of major natural and archaeological monuments; I. Bruchev, et al; Guerrieri L., Rischia I. & Serva L. (eds.) 2004: Field Trip Guidbooks, 32nd IGC Florence 20-28 August 2004, Mem. Descr. Carta Geol. d'It., 63, 6 volumes, APAT, Roma; publshr UR - http://www.archive.org/details/theguidewalkinga00mann ER -