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Your search returned 325 results.

Introduction to sofic and hyperlinear groups and connes' embedding conjecture / Valerio Capraro and Martino Lupini with and appendix by Vladimir Pestov. by Series: Lecture notes in mathematics ; 2136.
Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction
Publication details: Switzerland : Springer, 2015
Availability: Items available for loan: ISI Library, Kolkata (1)Call number: 512.2 C251.
Hardy spaces on ahlfors regular quasi metric spaces : a sharp theory / Ryan Alvarado and Marius Mitrea. by Series: Lecture notes in mathematics ; 2142
Publication details: Switzerland : Springer, 2015
Availability: Items available for loan: ISI Library, Kolkata (1)Call number: 515.7 Al472.
Random walks, random fields, and disordered systems / Anton Bovier...[et al.]. by Series: Lecture notes in mathematics ; 2144
Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction
Publication details: Switzerland : Springer, 2015
Availability: Items available for loan: ISI Library, Kolkata (1)Call number: 519.282 B783.
Infinity properads and infinity wheeled properads / Philip Hackney, Marcy Robertson and Donald Yau. by Series: Lecture notes in mathematics ; 2147.
Publication details: Switzerland : Springer, 2015
Availability: Items available for loan: ISI Library, Kolkata (1)Call number: 512.64 H123.
Inference on the Hurst parameter and the variance of diffusions driven by fractional Brownian motion / Corinne Berzin, Alain Latour and Jose R. Leon. by Series: Lecture notes in statistics ; 216
Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction
Publication details: Switzerland : Springer, 2014
Availability: Items available for loan: ISI Library, Kolkata (1)Call number: 519.236 B553.
Heavy-tailed distributions and robustness in economics and finance / Marat Ibragimov, Rustam Ibragimov and Johan Walden. by Series: Lecture notes in statistics ; 214.
Publication details: Switzerland : Springer, 2015
Availability: Items available for loan: ISI Library, Kolkata (1)Call number: 000SA.031 Ib14.
Analysis III : analytic and differential functions, manifolds and Riemann surfaces / Roger Godement. by Series: Universitext
Publication details: Switzerland : Springer, 2015
Availability: Items available for loan: ISI Library, Kolkata (1)Call number: 515 G581.
Analysis IV : integration and spectral theory, harmonic analysis, the garden of modular delights / Roger Godement. by Series: Universitext
Publication details: Switzerland : Springer, 2015
Availability: Items available for loan: ISI Library, Kolkata (1)Call number: 515 G581.
Invitation to general algebra and universal constructions / George M. Bergman. by Series: universitext
Edition: 2nd ed
Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction
Publication details: Switzerland : Springer, 2014
Availability: Items available for loan: ISI Library, Kolkata (1)Call number: 512 B499.
Dynamics of quasi-stable dissipative systems / Igor Chueshov. by Series: Universitext
Publication details: Switzerland : Springer, 2015
Availability: Items available for loan: ISI Library, Kolkata (1)Call number: 515.352 C559.
Stochastic partial differential equations : an introduction / Wei Liu and Michael Rockner. by Series: Universitext
Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction
Publication details: Switzerland : Springer, 2015
Availability: Items available for loan: ISI Library, Kolkata (1)Call number: 519.23 L783.
Analysis and geometry of hardy's inequality / Alexander A. Balinsky, W. Desmond Evans and Roger T. Lewis. by Series: Universitext
Publication details: Switzerland : Springer, 2015
Availability: Items available for loan: ISI Library, Kolkata (1)Call number: 515.26 B186.
Linear model and hypothesis : a general unifying theory / George A.F. Seber. by Series: Springer series in statistics
Publication details: Switzerland : Springer, 2015
Availability: Items available for loan: ISI Library, Kolkata (1)Call number: 000SA.062 Se443.
Bayesian nonparametric data analysis / Peter Muller...[et al.]. by Series: Springer series in statistics
Publication details: Switzerland : Springer, 2015
Availability: Items available for loan: ISI Library, Kolkata (1)Call number: 000SA.161 M958.
Lie groups, Lie algebras, and representations : an elementary introduction / Brian Hall. by Series: Graduate texts in mathematics ; 222
Edition: 2nd ed
Publication details: Switzerland : Springer, 2015
Availability: Items available for loan: ISI Library, Kolkata (1)Call number: 512.55 H174.
Applied partial differential equations / J. David Logan. by Series: Undergraduate texts in mathematics
Edition: 3rd ed
Publication details: Switzerland : Springer, 2015
Availability: Items available for loan: ISI Library, Kolkata (1)Call number: 515.353 L831.
Rational points on elliptic curves / Joseph H. Silverman and John T. Tate. by Series: Undergraduate texts in mathematics
Edition: 2nd ed
Publication details: Switzerland : Springer, 2015
Availability: Items available for loan: ISI Library, Kolkata (1)Call number: 516.352 Si587.
First course in differential equations / Logan, J. David. by Series: Undergraduate texts in mathematics
Edition: 3rd ed
Publication details: Switzerland : Springer, 2015
Availability: Items available for loan: ISI Library, Kolkata (1)Call number: 515.35 L831.
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