An inquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations / [electronic resource] by Adam Smith ; edited by C.J. Bullock ; with introduction and notes.
Material type:
- HB161 .S6 1937b
Spine title: Wealth of nations.
"The five-foot shelf of books."
Book I: Of the causes of improvement in the productive power of labour, and of the order according to which its produce is naturally distributed among the different ranks of the people: Of the Division of Labour -- Of the principle which gives occasion to the Division of Labour -- That the Divisioin of Labour is limited by the extent of the market -- Of the origin and use of money -- Of the real and nominal price of commodities, or of their price in labour, and their price in money -- Of the component parts of the price of commodities -- Of the natural and market price of commodities -- Of the ages of labor -- Of the profits of stock -- Of wages and profit in the different employments of labour and stock -- Of the rent of land -- Book II: Of the nature, accumulation, and employment of stock: Of the Division of Stock -- Of money considered as a particular branch of the general stock of the society, or of the expence of maintaining the national capital -- Of the accumulation of capital, or of productive and unproductive labour -- Of stock lent at interest -- Of the different employment of capitals -- Book III: Of the different progress of Opulence in different nations: Of the natural progress of opulence -- Book IV: Of systems of political economy: Of the principle of the commercial or mercantile system -- Of restraints upon the importation from foreign countries of such goods as can be produced at home -- Of the extraordinary restraints upon the importation of goods of almost all kinds, from those countries with which the balance is supposed to be disadventageous -- Of drawbacks -- Of bounties -- Of treaties of commerce -- Of colonies -- Conclusion of the mercantile system -- Of the agricultural systems, or of the systems of political economy, which represent the produce of land as either the sole or the principal source of the revenue and wealth of every country -- Book V: Of the revenue of the Sovereign or Commonwealth -- Of the expences of the Sovereign or Commonwealth -- Of the sources of the general or public revenue of the society -- Of public debts.
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