The Bedford incident / [electronic resource] directed by James B. Harris ; produced by James B. Harris and Richard Widmark ; screenplay by James Poe.
Material type:
- VAC 7267 (viewing copy)
- Associate producer, Denis O'Dell.
Copyright notices on cassette box: Bedford Productions, Ltd. ; 1965; Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc. 1980.
Associate producer, Denis O'Dell.
Richard Widmark, Sidney Poitier, James MacArthur, Martin Balsam, Wally Cox and Eric Portman.
Capt. Eric Finlander, the near-maniacal commander drives his tense crew to the brink of nervous exhaustion. Poitier is the photo journalist aboard, assigned to record a "typical" mission. His moral indignation is put to the test by the captain's obsession with forcing the sub to surface. Several crewmembers are at their breaking points as Finlander continues his prowl. Especially affected is a former German U-boat commander, now aboard the Bedford as a NATO observer.
Summary taken from cassette box.
Based on the novel by Mark Rascovich.
Source used: cassette box.
viewing copy;
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