Whose backyard, whose risk : [electronic resource] fear and fairness in toxic and nuclear waste siting / Michael B. Gerrard.
Material type:
- 0262071606 (alk. paper)
- 9780262071604 (alk. paper)
- 363.72/87/0973 20
- HD4483 .G47 1994
- 43.35
Includes bibliographical references (p. [227]-325) and index.
I. Setting the Stage. 2. The Origins and Disposal of Nonradioactive Wastes. 3. The Origins and Disposal of Radioactive Wastes. 4. How Siting Decisions Are Made. 5. Evaluating the Current Siting Processes -- II. Prior Proposals for Reform. 6. Consensual Proposals. 7. Coercive Proposals. 8. Avoidance Proposals -- III. A Proposed Solution: Local Control, State Responsibility, National Allocation. 9. A Description of the Proposal. 10. Evaluating the Proposed Siting Process. 11. Practicalities of Implementation -- Epilogue: How a Siting Decision Could Be Made.
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