The Atlantic Book of Modern Plays [electronic resource] / ; Harold, 1886-1915 Chapin (Contributor); edited by Sterling Andrus, 1888-1931 Leonard; J. M., 1871-1909 Synge (Contributor); Eugene, 1888-1953 O'Neill (Contributor); George, 1880-1967 Middleton (Contributor); John, 1867-1933 Galsworthy (Contributor); Percy, 1875-1956 Mackaye (Contributor); Edward John Moreton Drax Plunkett, Baron, 1878-1957 Dunsany (Contributor); Lady, 1852-1932 Gregory (Contributor); Gordon, 1874-1948 Bottomley (Contributor); J. A. Ferguson (Contributor); Winthrop Parkhurst (Contributor); W. B., 1865-1939 Yeats (Contributor); Louise Saunders (Contributor); Harold, 1882-1958 Brighouse (Contributor); Beulah Marie, 1876-1970 Dix (Contributor) by
Chapin, Harold, 1886-1915 [Contributor]
Leonard, Sterling Andrus, 1888-1931 [Editor]
Synge, J. M., 1871-1909 (John Millington) [Contributor]
O'Neill, Eugene, 1888-1953 [Contributor]
Middleton, George, 1880-1967 [Contributor]
Galsworthy, John, 1867-1933 [Contributor]
Mackaye, Percy, 1875-1956 [Contributor]
Dunsany, Edward John Moreton Drax Plunkett, Baron, 1878-1957 [Contributor]
Gregory, Lady, 1852-1932 [Contributor]
Bottomley, Gordon, 1874-1948 [Contributor]
Ferguson, J. A [Contributor]
Parkhurst, Winthrop [Contributor]
Yeats, W. B., 1865-1939 (William Butler) [Contributor]
Saunders, Louise [Contributor]
Brighouse, Harold, 1882-1958 [Contributor]
Dix, Beulah Marie, 1876-1970 [Contributor]
Series: Project Gutenberg ; 16435
Material type: Text; Format:
; Literary form:
Publication details: Project Gutenberg, 2005
Availability: No items available.
Contemporary One-Act Plays [electronic resource] / ; Jeannette Augustus, 1875-1964 Marks (Contributor); Lady, 1852-1932 Gregory (Contributor); David, 1872-1959 Pinski (Contributor); Bosworth, -1946 Crocker (Contributor); Hermann, 1857-1928 Sudermann (Contributor); J. M., 1860-1937 Barrie (Contributor); Paul, 1857-1915 Hervieu (Contributor); Percy, 1875-1956 Mackaye (Contributor); Beulah, 1896- Bornstead (Contributor); Arthur, 1878-1950 Hopkins (Contributor); Anton Pavlovich, 1860-1904 Chekhov (Contributor); Paul, 1894-1981 Green (Contributor); Eugene, 1886-1966 Pillot (Contributor); August, 1849-1912 Strindberg (Contributor); Oscar Monroe, 1876- Wolff (Contributor); Benjamin Roland, 1884- Lewis (Compiler); George, 1880-1967 Middleton (Contributor); Alfred, 1883-1966 Kreymborg (Contributor); Althea Thurston (Contributor) by
Marks, Jeannette Augustus, 1875-1964 [Contributor]
Gregory, Lady, 1852-1932 [Contributor]
Pinski, David, 1872-1959 [Contributor]
Crocker, Bosworth, -1946 [Contributor]
Sudermann, Hermann, 1857-1928 [Contributor]
Barrie, J. M., 1860-1937 (James Matthew) [Contributor]
Hervieu, Paul, 1857-1915 [Contributor]
Mackaye, Percy, 1875-1956 [Contributor]
Bornstead, Beulah, 1896- [Contributor]
Hopkins, Arthur, 1878-1950 [Contributor]
Chekhov, Anton Pavlovich, 1860-1904 [Contributor]
Green, Paul, 1894-1981 [Contributor]
Pillot, Eugene, 1886-1966 [Contributor]
Strindberg, August, 1849-1912 [Contributor]
Wolff, Oscar Monroe, 1876- [Contributor]
Lewis, Benjamin Roland, 1884- [Compiler]
Middleton, George, 1880-1967 [Contributor]
Kreymborg, Alfred, 1883-1966 [Contributor]
Thurston, Althea [Contributor]
Series: Project Gutenberg ; 37970
Material type: Text; Format:
; Literary form:
Publication details: Project Gutenberg, 2011
Availability: No items available.