The Lock and Key Library: The Most Interesting Stories of All Nations: North Europe — Russian — Swedish — Danish — Hungarian [electronic resource] / ; Bernhard Severin, 1789-1862 Ingemann (Contributor); Aleksandr Sergeevich, 1799-1837 Pushkin (Contributor); Vilhelm, 1835-1911 Bergsøe (Contributor); Fyodor, 1821-1881 Dostoyevsky (Contributor); Mór, 1825-1904 Jókai (Contributor); Anton Pavlovich, 1860-1904 Chekhov (Contributor); Arthur Elck (Contributor); Vs. Vl., 1840-1895 Krestovskii (Contributor); Ferenc, 1878-1952 Molnár (Contributor); Otto, 1864-1910 Larssen (Contributor); Steen Steensen, 1782-1848 Blicher (Contributor); V. P., 1835-1896 Zhelikhovskaia (Contributor); Etienne Barsony (Contributor); edited by Julian, 1846-1934 Hawthorne by
Ingemann, Bernhard Severin, 1789-1862 [Contributor]
Pushkin, Aleksandr Sergeevich, 1799-1837 [Contributor]
Bergsøe, Vilhelm, 1835-1911 [Contributor]
Dostoyevsky, Fyodor, 1821-1881 [Contributor]
Jókai, Mór, 1825-1904 [Contributor]
Chekhov, Anton Pavlovich, 1860-1904 [Contributor]
Elck, Arthur [Contributor]
Krestovskii, Vs. Vl., 1840-1895 (Vsevolod Vladimīrovich) [Contributor]
Molnár, Ferenc, 1878-1952 [Contributor]
Larssen, Otto, 1864-1910 [Contributor]
Blicher, Steen Steensen, 1782-1848 [Contributor]
Zhelikhovskaia, V. P., 1835-1896 (Vera Petrovna) [Contributor]
Barsony, Etienne [Contributor]
Hawthorne, Julian, 1846-1934 [Editor]
Series: Project Gutenberg ; 1552
Material type: Text; Format:
Publication details: Project Gutenberg, 1998
Availability: No items available.