Ordered Random Variables: Theory and Applications [electronic resource] / by Muhammad Qaiser Shahbaz, Mohammad Ahsanullah, Saman Hanif Shahbaz, Bander M. Al-Zahrani.
Material type:
- text
- computer
- online resource
- 9789462392250
- 519.5 23
- QA276-280
1.Introduction -- 2.Order Statistics -- 3.Record Values -- 4.The Generalized Order Statistics -- 5.Dual Generalized Order Statistics -- 6.Some Uses of Ordered Random Variables -- 7.Characterization of Distributions -- 8.Extreme Value Distributions.
Ordered Random Variables have attracted several authors. The basic building block of Ordered Random Variables is Order Statistics which has several applications in extreme value theory and ordered estimation. The general model for ordered random variables, known as Generalized Order Statistics has been introduced relatively recently by Kamps (1995).
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