The Best Short Stories of 1921 and the Yearbook of the American Short Story [electronic resource] / ; Lincoln Ross, 1883-1947 Colcord (Contributor); Fannie, 1889-1968 Hurst (Contributor); Waldo, 1889-1967 Frank (Contributor); Konrad, 1881-1961 Bercovici (Contributor); Frances Noyes, 1890-1943 Hart (Contributor); Irvin S., 1876-1944 Cobb (Contributor); Susan, 1882?-1948 Glaspell (Contributor); Frank Luther, 1886-1964 Mott (Contributor); Richard Matthews, 1887-1967 Hallet (Contributor); Vincent, 1872-1940 O'Sullivan (Contributor); Mary Heaton, 1874-1966 Vorse (Contributor); Ellen Anderson Gholson, 1873-1945 Glasgow (Contributor); Wilbur Daniel, 1886-1970 Steele (Contributor); Maxwell Struthers, 1882-1954 Burt (Contributor); Manuel, 1890-1974 Komroff (Contributor); Charles J., 1869-1941 Finger (Contributor); Katharine Fullerton, 1879-1944 Gerould (Contributor); Sherwood, 1876-1941 Anderson (Contributor); edited by Edward Joseph Harrington, 1890-1941 O'Brien; Charles Hanson, 1877-1949 Towne (Contributor); Harriet Maxon, 1889- Thayer (Contributor) by
Colcord, Lincoln Ross, 1883-1947 [Contributor]
Hurst, Fannie, 1889-1968 [Contributor]
Frank, Waldo, 1889-1967 [Contributor]
Bercovici, Konrad, 1881-1961 [Contributor]
Hart, Frances Noyes, 1890-1943 [Contributor]
Cobb, Irvin S., 1876-1944 (Irvin Shrewsbury) [Contributor]
Glaspell, Susan, 1882?-1948 [Contributor]
Mott, Frank Luther, 1886-1964 [Contributor]
Hallet, Richard Matthews, 1887-1967 [Contributor]
O'Sullivan, Vincent, 1872-1940 [Contributor]
Vorse, Mary Heaton, 1874-1966 [Contributor]
Glasgow, Ellen Anderson Gholson, 1873-1945 [Contributor]
Steele, Wilbur Daniel, 1886-1970 [Contributor]
Burt, Maxwell Struthers, 1882-1954 [Contributor]
Komroff, Manuel, 1890-1974 [Contributor]
Finger, Charles J., 1869-1941 (Charles Joseph) [Contributor]
Gerould, Katharine Fullerton, 1879-1944 [Contributor]
Anderson, Sherwood, 1876-1941 [Contributor]
O'Brien, Edward Joseph Harrington, 1890-1941 [Editor]
Towne, Charles Hanson, 1877-1949 [Contributor]
Thayer, Harriet Maxon, 1889- [Contributor]
Series: Project Gutenberg ; 18709
Material type: Text; Format:
Publication details: Project Gutenberg, 2006
Availability: No items available.
O. Henry Memorial Award Prize Stories of 1921 [electronic resource] / ; Edison, 1894-1967 Marshall (Contributor); Wilbur Daniel, 1886-1970 Steele (Contributor); Ethel Watts Mumford, 1878-1940 Grant (Contributor); Charles Tenney, 1874- Jackson (Contributor); Mildred, 1889-1985 Cram (Contributor); Maryland, -1927 Allen (Contributor); Tristram, 1884-1954 Tupper (Contributor); Courtney Ryley, 1886-1940 Cooper (Contributor); Harry Anable Kniffin (Contributor); Thomas, 1889-1940 Beer (Contributor); Orlando Faulkland, 1873-1922 Lewis (Contributor); Samuel A., 1881-1922 Derieux (Contributor); Leo F. Creagan (Contributor); Sophie, 1880-1965 Kerr (Contributor); Gerald, 1882- Chittenden (Contributor); Leonard H., 1877-1947 Robbins (Contributor); Elizabeth Alexander (Contributor); edited by Blanche Colton, 1879-1944 Williams by
Marshall, Edison, 1894-1967 [Contributor]
Steele, Wilbur Daniel, 1886-1970 [Contributor]
Grant, Ethel Watts Mumford, 1878-1940 [Contributor]
Jackson, Charles Tenney, 1874- [Contributor]
Cram, Mildred, 1889-1985 [Contributor]
Allen, Maryland, -1927 [Contributor]
Tupper, Tristram, 1884-1954 [Contributor]
Cooper, Courtney Ryley, 1886-1940 [Contributor]
Kniffin, Harry Anable [Contributor]
Beer, Thomas, 1889-1940 [Contributor]
Lewis, Orlando Faulkland, 1873-1922 [Contributor]
Derieux, Samuel A., 1881-1922 (Samuel Arthur) [Contributor]
Creagan, Leo F [Contributor]
Kerr, Sophie, 1880-1965 [Contributor]
Chittenden, Gerald, 1882- [Contributor]
Robbins, Leonard H., 1877-1947 (Leonard Harman) [Contributor]
Alexander, Elizabeth (Elizabeth Alexander Heermann) [Contributor]
Williams, Blanche Colton, 1879-1944 [Editor]
Series: Project Gutenberg ; 11512
Material type: Text; Format:
Publication details: Project Gutenberg, 2004
Availability: No items available.
Famous Modern Ghost Stories [electronic resource] / ; William Fryer, 1885-1937 Harvey (Contributor); Algernon, 1869-1951 Blackwood (Contributor); Dorothy, 1878-1935 Scarborough (Compiler); Anatole, 1844-1924 France (Contributor); Olivia Howard, 1873-1953 Dunbar (Contributor); Ambrose, 1842-1914? Bierce (Contributor); Myla Jo Closser (Contributor); Edgar Allan, 1809-1849 Poe (Contributor); Fitz James, 1828-1862 O'Brien (Contributor); Arthur, 1863-1947 Machen (Contributor); Leonid, 1871-1919 Andreyev (Contributor); Guy de, 1850-1893 Maupassant (Contributor); Mary Eleanor Wilkins, 1852-1930 Freeman (Contributor); Wilbur Daniel, 1886-1970 Steele (Contributor); Richard, 1866-1947 Le Gallienne (Contributor); Robert W., 1865-1933 Chambers (Contributor) by
Harvey, William Fryer, 1885-1937 [Contributor]
Blackwood, Algernon, 1869-1951 [Contributor]
Scarborough, Dorothy, 1878-1935 [Compiler]
France, Anatole, 1844-1924 [Contributor]
Dunbar, Olivia Howard, 1873-1953 [Contributor]
Bierce, Ambrose, 1842-1914? [Contributor]
Closser, Myla Jo [Contributor]
Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849 [Contributor]
O'Brien, Fitz James, 1828-1862 [Contributor]
Machen, Arthur, 1863-1947 [Contributor]
Andreyev, Leonid, 1871-1919 [Contributor]
Maupassant, Guy de, 1850-1893 [Contributor]
Freeman, Mary Eleanor Wilkins, 1852-1930 [Contributor]
Steele, Wilbur Daniel, 1886-1970 [Contributor]
Le Gallienne, Richard, 1866-1947 [Contributor]
Chambers, Robert W., 1865-1933 (Robert William) [Contributor]
Series: Project Gutenberg ; 15143
Material type: Text; Format:
Publication details: Project Gutenberg, 2005
Availability: No items available.