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Material type: Text; Format:
; Literary form:
Not fiction
Language: English
Publication details: London Ernest Benn 1932
Availability: Items available for reference: ISI Library, Kolkata: Not For Loan (1)Call number: 823 B491N .
The Best British Short Stories of 1922 [electronic resource] / ; edited by Edward Joseph Harrington, 1890-1941 O'Brien; John, 1867-1933 Galsworthy (Contributor); edited by John, 1881-1966 Cournos; Stacy, 1887-1928 Aumonier (Contributor); Lucas, 1852-1931 Malet (Contributor); Algernon, 1869-1951 Blackwood (Contributor); Dorothy, 1889- Easton (Contributor); Rosamond, 1880-1964 Langbridge (Contributor); Harold, 1882-1958 Brighouse (Contributor); Walter, 1873-1956 De la Mare (Contributor); L. Parry Truscott (Contributor); A. E., 1878-1957 Coppard (Contributor); Roland, 1885-1963 Pertwee (Contributor); G. B., 1890-1973 Stern (Contributor); May, 1883-1957 Edginton (Contributor); Holloway, 1886- Horn (Contributor); Thomas, 1893-1974 Moult (Contributor); Rowland Kenney (Contributor); Elinor, 1877?-1942 Mordaunt (Contributor); Alan Graham (Contributor); Max, Sir, 1863-1950 Pemberton (Contributor); William, 1873-1925 Caine (Contributor); Hugh, Sir, 1884-1941 Walpole (Contributor); J. D., 1873-1947 Beresford (Contributor); May, 1863-1946 Sinclair (Contributor); Richmal, 1890-1969 Crompton (Contributor) by
O'Brien, Edward Joseph Harrington, 1890-1941 [Editor]
Galsworthy, John, 1867-1933 [Contributor]
Cournos, John, 1881-1966 [Editor]
Aumonier, Stacy, 1887-1928 [Contributor]
Malet, Lucas, 1852-1931 [Contributor]
Blackwood, Algernon, 1869-1951 [Contributor]
Easton, Dorothy, 1889- [Contributor]
Langbridge, Rosamond, 1880-1964 [Contributor]
Brighouse, Harold, 1882-1958 [Contributor]
De la Mare, Walter, 1873-1956 [Contributor]
Truscott, L. Parry [Contributor]
Coppard, A. E., 1878-1957 (Alfred Edgar) [Contributor]
Pertwee, Roland, 1885-1963 [Contributor]
Stern, G. B., 1890-1973 (Gladys Bronwyn) [Contributor]
Edginton, May, 1883-1957 [Contributor]
Horn, Holloway, 1886- [Contributor]
Moult, Thomas, 1893-1974 [Contributor]
Kenney, Rowland [Contributor]
Mordaunt, Elinor, 1877?-1942 [Contributor]
Graham, Alan [Contributor]
Pemberton, Max, Sir, 1863-1950 [Contributor]
Caine, William, 1873-1925 [Contributor]
Walpole, Hugh, Sir, 1884-1941 [Contributor]
Beresford, J. D., 1873-1947 (John Davys) [Contributor]
Sinclair, May, 1863-1946 [Contributor]
Crompton, Richmal, 1890-1969 [Contributor]
Series: Project Gutenberg ; 9363
Material type: Text; Format:
Publication details: Project Gutenberg, 2005
Availability: No items available.