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Library,Documentation and Information Science Division

“A research journal serves that narrow

borderland which separates the known from the unknown”


Your search returned 4 results.

The employee handbook of new work habits for a radically changing world : [electronic resource] 13 ground rules for job success in the information age. by
Material type: Text Text; Format: print available online remote; Literary form: Not fiction
Publication details: Dallas, Tex. : Pritchett & Associates, c1994
Availability: No items available.
An end to hierarchy! An end to competition! Organizing the politics and economics of survival [electronic resource] [by] Frederick C. Thayer. by
Material type: Text Text; Format: print available online remote; Literary form: Not fiction
Publication details: New York, New Viewpoints [1973]
Availability: No items available.
Organization development: [electronic resource] its nature, origins, and prospects [by] Warren G. Bennis. by Series: Addison-Wesley series: organization development
Material type: Text Text; Format: print available online remote; Literary form: Not fiction
Publication details: Reading, Mass., Addison-Wesley Pub. Co. [1969]
Availability: No items available.
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