The Maussolleion at Halikarnassos : [electronic resource] reports of the Danish Archaeological Expedition to Bodrum.
Material type:
- 8700672912 (v. 1)
- 9788700672918 (v. 1)
- 8788415031 (v. 4)
- 9788788415032 (v. 4)
- 8788415155 (v. 5)
- 9788788415155 (v. 5)
- 8788415163 (v. 6)
- 9788788415162 (v. 6)
- 939/.24 19
- DS156.H3 M38 1981
- 15.34
Vol. 3, pt. 1 has a folded plan inserted in pocket.
Vol. 2-7 published by Jutland Archaeological Society and distributed through Aarhus University Press.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
v. 1. The sacrificial deposit -- v. 2. The written sources and their archaeological background -- v. 3. The Maussolleion terrace and accessory structures / by Poul Pedersen. pt. 1. Text and appendices. pt. 2. Catalogue -- v. 4. The quadrangle, the foundations of the Maussolleion and its Sepulchral compartments -- v. 5. The superstructure, a comparative analysis of the architectural, sculptural, and literary evidence -- v. 6. Subterranean and pre-maussollan structures on the site of the maussolleion -- v. 7. The pottery: ceramic material and other finds from selected contexts.
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